he cool October breeze settled upon the field as the Huntley’s boy’s varsity soccer readies themselves to play IHSA Regionals against Rockford’s Jefferson High School.
The game started with Jefferson kicking the ball deep into Huntley territory. Travis Walsh, number 7, sprinted to the goal and kicked the ball back to centerfield. Jefferson struggles to control Huntley, and as Huntley pushes deeper into goal range, players for Jefferson are spread too far apart.
With the Jefferson defense spread apart, Huntley was able to drive the ball into their goal in just the first ten minutes of the game. Huntley is up 1-0.
Jefferson moved fast to score, but missed and allowed Huntley to juggle the ball between team members. In an instant, Jefferson has an injury. He is barely able to walk of the field, but the crowd’s applause sent him to the sidelines.
A sub stepped in, leading Jefferson started to press hard on Huntley. Jefferson clung to the ball while running up and down the field. Jefferson rushed to Huntley’s goal, with several players on his heels. Number 9 on Jefferson attempted to score, but it is blocked, and Huntley sent the ball hurling across the field.
With Huntley having a firm grasp on the ball, Travis Walsh scored the second goal for Huntley with just 4:30 left on the clock for the first half. Jefferson scrambled as Huntley tore down the field. With this, they stopped Huntley from making another goal.
The first half ends with 2-0 Huntley.
The second half began with Jefferson exiting their hustle with immense energy. They did not let the two point deficit slow them down as they played fast and punched the ball deep into Huntley’s territory once more. Alessandro Vergara of Huntley stopped Jefferson from pressing on and returned the ball back to centerfield.
With 4:05 left in the second half, a penalty is called in the wake of another injured Jefferson player. A penalty kick is awarded to Jefferson. Huntley lined up and watched as Jefferson changed the score, 2-1 Huntley still in the lead.
In the final moments of the game, the ball is passed from player to player and team to team, nobody was able to score in the last 4 mins leaving the score at 2-1 with a Red Raider win.