s the morning announcements ring during third hour, the students tend to only focus on the things that interest them most. Giving back to the community is one of these things, and any person of any age at HHS is able to do so.
“It’s a great thing to do.” said Senior Michael Neiland. He has given blood three times since his junior year.
He believes that it is good for him to give blood. “I have a rare blood type, AB negative.” With his blood type being rare, it is beneficial for the few people who have difficulty getting access to that blood type.
Any one at HHS is allowed to donate blood; however, any one under the age of 18 needs parent permission.
The blood drive is run by Student Council and headed by Freshman Counselor Karen Miller and English Teacher Becca Davison. The blood drive occurs twice every year at the high school and is located in the hallway by the auditorium.
The official title of this particular blood drive is Life Source. “It is the largest in Illinois and the fourth largest in the United States.” said Account Manager for Life Source Robert Rosa.
To be able to donate blood, the person donating has to go through two steps first. They have to take a 54 questionnaire and then have a little physical to make sure that their blood is healthy to donate. If they pass successfully, they are ready to donate blood.
Once the donation of blood has been given, they have the option to eat a little snack provided to them to give them energy. As they leave, they are offered to take a t-shirt and a sticker showing they have successfully donated blood.
“Any one that is in a trauma situation, this is the only way they are going to get [blood].” said Rosa.
Every one at HHS contributes to the community in one way or another. Giving blood is one of the many ways to give back, especially during the season of giving.