The District 158 Board of Education was rapidly getting all of their papers and computers ready, kids from Martin Pre-School sang the pledge of allegiance, and the meeting was soon under way.
First on the agenda for the BOE was The Huntley Education Association. Many people were eagerly sitting in the first three rows, some seats open, some not. A representative from HEA presented the Teacher of the Month Award.
One recipient of the award was Michelle Jacobs, a former teacher, who most of the people sitting in those seats thought was very open minded. Jacobs also used an abundance of new technology, which helped many of her students.
Another recipient of the award came from our very own High School. His name is Nathan Schmitt, who teaches AP Government at Huntley High School. Schmitt did something many teachers would not have done, which is hosting active study sessions for the Comparative Government Exam.
Soon after, Jacobs and Schmitt left the meeting, and more talk about Huntley High School would continue.
Scott Rowe, principal of HHS was thanked by the BOE, and they all laughed because they thought he was there, when he was not. But they applauded his efforts of maintaining the High School.
There will also be a meeting on Feb. 5, for the decision of the new field house floor. A financial report would soon be given to HHS.
Lastly, they discussed the tree line in Del Webb: Sun City. This issue was present for many months, but especially in this meeting. The tree line is expected to be west of HHS, and south of Legee, giving protection and privacy to all residents. But the treeline does not come cheap.
The total price for the tree line is $96,30 for 30 ft spacing of the trees. But not all people on the BOE agree with this action.
“I’m okay with it, and it looks like being a good neighbor his good, but I do not think cutting a tree or two will modify it.” said Donald Drzal, BOE member.
The BOE continued on with the meeting, and was completely satisfied with the progress they were making with the District and the community.