“Unfriended” is not your average horror film. This movie takes place on a computer screen. The audience is literally watching six people cruise the internet, text, post, and Skype to their death.
“Unfriended” is a short horror film about cyber- bullying. Teenager Laura Barns commits suicide because of a humiliating video of her wasted at a party. She was hazed, harassed, and bullied until she killed herself.
Later that year, Blair is having a Skype chat with her boyfriend Mitch, and soon four of their other friends join. They all notice there is a unknown person in the chat. Quickly we are lead to believe that the unknown person is Laura Barns. Strangely Blair is sent to a website that ridiculously explains that dead people can haunt in cyberspace and “YOU CAN NOT ESCAPE UNLESS YOU ADMIT WRONG DOING.”

This unknown person believes one of these six friends posted the Laura Barns video. One by one these six friends turn against each other as they learn the truth about each and every one of them. The unknown user kills each friend until one survives.
There are many questions that are still remaining. Is Laura Barns the unknown person, Or is some group seeking revenge? Deaths are occurring at multiple houses across an area, so it could not just be one murderer. Where are the adults in this movie? Why can they not just leave their computers on and meet together?
Also there is no one to like in this movie. We find out that all of the characters including the victim are not the greatest people.
This movie appeals to teens with all the up to date technology. For some this movie was something new and fun but for others it seems like a waste of time.
I personally would give it two out of five stars because It gave me a migraine with all of the clicking, reading messages, and pop up text messages. I thought this movie was original, but I felt like I was just watching a $15 computer video while eating popcorn.