s the sun sets over the horizon, the temperature in the town of Algonquin slowly cools- evidence that the day is nearing its end. But for the members of the District 158 Board of Education the night is just getting started.
The board of education proposed its draft for the revision of the district’s strategic plan.
First, a point was made to explain that the district’s strategic plan will be changed to fit the beliefs, that the board ensures will be upheld by the district for 2015-2020. Starting off this new strategic plan is the district’s new mission statement and new motto.
The district’s mission: Our learning community will inspire, challenge, and empower all students always.
The district’s motto: All Students Always.
Along with the mission statement and motto change, the board now has five major goals for 2015-2020.
Goal One: Improve student growth and achievement.
Goal Two: Provide a safe, healthy, nurturing environment conducive to learning, teaching, and wellness.
Goal Three: Attract, develop, and retain the best and brightest staff
Goal Four: Foster engagement through trusting and respectful partnerships with families and the communities.
Goal Five: Prioritize, allocate, and use resources effectively and equitably.
“We changed the district’s strategic plan in order to show that we are here for the students,” said Dr. John Burkey, superintendent of District 158. “It show’s that we’re here for the students, not just when it’s convenient for us, but all of the time.”
The next issue discussed was the design of the district’s new logo. For about nine years the district’s logo has been of a molecule, with the famous words “Inspire. Challenge. Empower.” that every student and staff member in D158 knows so well, in the molecule’s orbitals.
“Many of the submissions that we have received in regards to the district’s logo change have involved the letter H,” said Dr. Burkey. “Obviously this H is in reference to the high school.”
Due to the large number of logo designs which had the letter H incorporated into them, the board proposed that the district’s name be changed, so that the district would now be referred to as the Huntley Community School District 158.
District 158 has been officially referred to as Consolidated School District 158 since it was first established back in the 1920s.
“With the whole process of seeking out a new logo design for the district, we thought that it was finally time to create a new name for ourselves as a whole,” said Dr. Burkey. “We wanted to give ourselves an official name that not only gave an idea of what area we represent, but also show that we’re a community to not only those that fall in the district’s boundaries, but also to those that are enrolled in this district from other areas.”
The changes to the district resonate with the changes being made to the high school, creating a new and exciting atmosphere for years to come.
The next meeting of the board of education will take place on May 21