October is not only the month for Halloween and PSATs, it is also the month for applying to two of Huntley High School’s academies: the Medical Academy and Fine Arts Academy.
Despite the unusual way this year has started off, the two academies are still striving to accept sophomores and juniors who are set on taking more classes in their respective fields.
The Fine Arts Academy started their application process earlier in the year, announcing its opening Sep. 18 on the district website.
As of Oct. 15, most of the application process has been completed. This includes the student information form, teacher recommendation letters, and the online application form.
Teachers who are part of the Fine Arts Academy also provided application support for students through Zoom on Oct. 5 and Oct. 12 before the start of delayed schedule days. The support gave students the option to join Zoom sessions with one of the music, theater, or visual arts teachers.
Currently, according to the Fine Arts Academy website, those who have applied have either received or have yet to receive a confirmation email to sign up for an interview time. Moving forward, as the sign ups finish up, interviews for the Fine Arts Academy applicants will take place on Nov. 15.
Meanwhile, the Medical Academy announced its opening for applications in the beginning of this month, also through the district website. As of Oct. 16, four steps of the application process have been completed. This process includes turning in the student information form, parent form, teacher recommendation letters, and essay questions.
The Medical Academy’s website states that students will be receiving an email with regard to signing up for interview time preferences after Oct. 23. Interviews for the Medical Academy will then take place on Nov. 5 and Nov. 6. After interviews have been conducted, the academy plans to release results of acceptance before Thanksgiving Break.