Students reap the benefits of this new time-efficient process (R. Habel)
At least once in a student’s life, they have a rough morning and forget to bring their Chromebook to school or just simply forgot to charge it. This tiny mistake can affect their whole education for that day. Therefore, having a reliable solution like the Chromebook loaner system is extremely important.
Recently our school’s Chromebook loaner system has changed. The old loaner system required a technician to be present all day long. This made it very difficult to have enough Help Desk staff to help teachers and students in classrooms with their tech issues throughout the day.
“The new system allows students to quickly receive a loaner Chromebook and not [have to be] waiting for a technician to be available when they may be working with another student,” said Joseph Follman, a member of the Help Desk staff.
This was in the works for quite some time because they wanted to have a system in place that allowed self-service for students. They have encountered minor issues along the way, but it has been nothing they could not overcome.
“As the system is tweaked to resolve these minor issues, we have come up with a few more things that we hope will make the Loaner Chromebook Station even more useful for the students,” Follman said.
There have been a bunch of benefits thanks to the new system. It allows students to get a loaner Chromebook and charge their own Chromebook at the same time. There’s no need to mention this is extremely time-efficient.
“The system also allows the Help Desk staff to help students and teachers with their immediate technology concerns without interruption to check out loaners to students with the old system,” Follman said.
Students like the new system because of how little time it takes. They also feel secure leaving their Chromebook in there to charge.
“The new system is very convenient,” sophomore Jill Coleman said.
“I like this system way more than the old one because it’s overall more time-efficient and trusting,” sophomore Olivia Mallett said.
As time at the high school goes on, they expect to make more minor changes to the system for the tech benefit of the students. The new system has gone far beyond their expectations and is expected to stay around for a while.