Courtesy of @huntleyboysvolleyball
Adrian Martinez eagerly walks into the hot uncomfortable field house where two unused courts sit. The players begin setting up the nets, one of the many jobs it takes to get the court ready for the players to come together for a great open gym session.
Many boys come in after a weights session, which occurs on Saturday from 9-10 a.m., and continue the morning with an open gym event from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. There is another opportunity to come and be involved with open gym on Mondays from 6:30-9:30 p.m.
Players have many options to choose from during open gym: playing three on three to work on basic defense skills, hitting, or offensive drills.
Whether you are new to volleyball or have years of experience, open gym and weights sessions are available for anyone to come and improve. This is also a great time to get to know those who have been involved in the sport during past seasons and have the opportunity to make friends.
“During my time playing, I have met a bunch of people with the same interest as me. Along with meeting new people the whole atmosphere is enjoyable,” veteran Eddie Bretana said.
For more information about volleyball open gym opportunities contract Gerard Marchand, Adrian Martinez, and Sameer Anber.
“Coach Marchand cares about every single one of his players and managers. We create lifelong memories,” manager Sam Castaneda said.
The veteran players and managers encourage everyone to go to an open gym session and give it a try if they are interested in joining this amazing group of people.
“I have created so many friendships that I know I will have for the rest of my lifetime. I get to help coach a sport that I love with my best friends. I can’t wait for the season to start to cheer on my friends with the rest of the managers,” Castaneda said.
“If you’re unsure about volleyball, I highly recommend coming out to one of our practices and giving it a go. You can contact me or Coach Marchand for information on dates and times, you won’t regret it,” Anber said.