Since Jordan Hite, a senior, took over the Diversity Club at the end of his sophomore year, many changes have occurred. Hite and co-founder Jimmy Sadoski are in charge of planning the weekly and monthly schedule.
The club is now run on a monthly schedule, with each month holding a new overlying topic. Past topics have included marriage inequality and
gender inequality.
During the marriage inequality topic, Diversity Club met up with GSA (Gay Straight Alliance), another club that Joe Soss advises, and had a round table discussion.
Each month follows a format where the club watches a movie for the first few weeks, and then near the end of the month once the movie is over, have a discussion. They discuss the film, try to find the focus on each viewpoint, and consider every perspective.
According to Hite, it is hard first semester to organize all of the Diversity Club events. There are many school breaks that take away Diversity Club meeting days.
The club’s current topic is genocide. The film they are watching to accompany the topic is “Savior.”
“Savior” is a 1998 war movie set in Bosnia in 1993 during the time of the Bosnian Genocide.
“This is the first major movie we’ve watched this school year,” said Hite.
Many of the club’s members have stopped showing up, and participation has dwindled a bit. Every Wednesday from the hours of 2:30 to 3:30 in room 226 you can find the five regulars of the diversity club continuing their endeavor of examining all different perspectives and lifestyles out there.