Photo courtesy of T. English.
Nov. 20 was a pretty normal day for Spanish teacher Tamrah English. She had come home from work, picked up her 2-year-old daughter, and went with her to their weekly art class at the Dundee Township Park District recreation center.
Her seemingly normal day would take an unsettling turn when she would come back to her car to find that the window had been destroyed. All valuables in the car had been snatched by thieves.

At some point between 6:15 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. two thieves forced their way into English’s car, taking items vital to her everyday life and important to her daughter. The items stolen from her purse and school bag contained her school ID and proxy cards, work papers, wallet, students’ tests, and her daughter’s personal belongings.
“It’s interesting to have it happen with your daughter around,” said English. “You try not to show emotion because you don’t want your kids to get scared.”
Police later arrived at the crime scene and viewed the parking lot’s camera footage in an attempt to identify the criminals. Two anonymous figures could be seen, wearing hoods that covered their faces, smashing into English’s car window.
Police then searched cars in the surrounding area with flashlights. They were hoping that they would find one of the criminals hiding in one of these cars in a desperate attempt to stow away until the heat had settled. Police found nothing but evidence of multiple car thefts in addition to English’s loss.
English later detailed that some items taken from her car held personal information of hers, such as her address, name, and phone number.
“I was initially scared,” said English. “I felt like mine and my daughter’s safety had been compromised. I’m afraid that the people who stole my stuff from my car could use my address to break into my house. I worry that if they were to break in, I’d be the only one there to protect my daughter and myself.”
Police informed English that this break-in was about the money in her car more than it was about stealing her personal information.
“Knowing that puts me at a bit of ease,” said English.
Despite the thieves snatching plenty of items of significant value, these faceless felons did not get away with much.
“It was funny because my wallet only had $3 in it when they took it so I hope it was worth it for them.”
As soon as English learned that her car had been broken into she canceled her credit and debit cards, ensuring that she would not be charged for anything that they tried to purchase. Two days later though, English found out that the thieves had gotten into her bank account, cashing a check using her driver’s license.
English’s case inflated when the thieves cashed the check in Addison, extending it to the Addison police. Even with the Addison police on the case, these criminals still remain at large.