In art teacher Valerie Lindquist’s room, various bundles of yarn are piled on top of each other on the art table. Some have elaborate patterns, others are one solid color. All of it is being put onto needles by the members of the Knitting Club.
It is only the second meeting, and all ready 15 members have joined the Knitting Club for its second year.
The club, whose members named themselves the Knitwits, began in 2010 and were made up of three members. Two of those members are now Huntley graduates, and the third is senior Vice President Meghan Jones.
Jones was surprised at the large amount of interest shown versus last year’s limited participation.
“My main goal was to get people to come,” said Jones. “It is really cool to see people deciding to come on their own.”
The decent amount of members have enabled the club to be more structured and organized. At the moment the club is focused on learning the basics of knitting, such as the method of “casting on,” a simple knitting technique.
In the future, the Knitwits plan to learn how to knit hats, teddy bears, gloves, and scarves. The teddy bears will be donated to the Sherman Hospital and hats to homeless shelters in the area.
Sophomore Vanessa Perez who has never tried knitting before came to the club as a first-time member.
“I wanted to learn something new,” said Perez.”This seemed like a cool new experience.”
Knitting Club meets every other Thursday at 2:35. The Club is always open for new members, the only item needed to bring is a set of needles.