Huntley’s Scholastic Bowl team anticipating success in the state series
January 29, 2019
The Huntley Scholastic Bowl team recently began their state series, going into the upcoming tournaments with a 7-2 record.
“Right now, varsity is in third place and junior varsity is in second,” said coach Anne Sharkey before the state series. “At our last tournament we completely dominated, and the two tournaments we did lose were really close.”
The Huntley team seems to have been improving over time, which has led to a relatively strong line of successes. “Our players have really been developing since the end of last season,” Sharkey said. “A lot of our kids have come to embrace their specialties, which is really cool.”
The varsity team is currently made up of 16 seniors and two juniors, all of whom appear to be very strong players. Sharkey and the rest of the team are especially excited for the state series.
“First we have regionals and the week after that is sectionals,” Sharkey said. “I think the coolest thing is that we have both a lot of strong seniors and a decent freshman base.”
The state tournament will be held at the Peoria convention center on March 15.
“I think this year the state series is going to be fairly difficult given the strength of the other teams, but I’m confident we’ll do well,” Sharkey said.