Lady Antebellum’s new album 747 proves to be just as successful as their five previous albums. The album is already the number two on the top album for the Country Category on ITunes as of today. Each song tells a story with its compelling lyrics; whether it is about heartbreak, a night of fun, or falling in love, each song successfully describes an event that is easily relatable to.

“She is” can make any girl’s heart melt with its charmingly sincere meaning. “She is a little of everything mixed up so tough in a beautiful way/ She’s got the world in her fingertips/ She makes beauty look effortless/ And I want everything she is.”
The majority of the album has an upbeat feel, with the exception of “Damn You Seventeen” and “One Great Mystery”.
According to Billboard, the album’s early released single “Bartender” reached number one on the Country Airplay chart and stayed there for 19 consecutive weeks. This early release excited country fans all over and gave them a taste of their upcoming album. According to one of the fans on iTunes, “Bartender” has a pop feel that is quite enjoyable to listen to.
It is a possibility that “All Nighter” will be their next top single. With its relatable lyrics and cheerful beat, it is sure to be popular amongst country fans that enjoy a more positive essence.
747 is different from Lady Antebellum’s previous albums because it is more pop country as opposed to country. They really switched things up in this album and it pays off.