September COW meeting: Vanguard recognized and solar panel updates

B. Turk

By Braden Turk

The Sept. 5 Committee of the Whole meeting, the first of the 2019-2020 school year, began last night with recognition of Huntley High School’s growing Vanguard program. Several students from the program made an appearance at the meeting, giving testimonials for how the new structure helps them learn more effectively.

Superintendent Scott Rowe followed the recognition with a testimonial of his own.

“I think the Vanguard Vision program is an excellent example of what makes Huntley 158 a special place,” Rowe said. “What’s happening in Vanguard is exactly what should be happening in education, because we are changing based on what our students need and what they want for their education. It’s not what we want them to know, it’s the direction they’re headed in their lives and we’re giving them the tools that a traditional education just can’t give.”

The rest of the meeting consisted of various odds and ends, such as Learning and Innovation Asst. Superintendent Erika Schlichter proposing a three-year renewal of District 158’s contract with WeVideo, an editing application students of all ages can use. 

The decision will be made during the Sept. 19 Board of Education meeting; if approved, it will carry an annual cost of $14,000. 

Lastly, the district expects to start the groundbreaking of its solar panel initiative sometime in October. Details of the plan were previously discussed in February 2018, a few of which were summarized in this article

The panels could provide for up to 80% of the energy the district uses; money saved from the additions will be put into classrooms.