Senioritis takes a toll on seniors

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Senioritis grows stronger as the end of the year approaches.

By Brenden Boyle

As the school bell rings at the end of the day, most underclassmen think about it as just another school day. For seniors, however, it is one more day closer to the end of high school and Graduation. After being in school for nearly 13 years, it is safe to say that most seniors are burnt out of not only high school but learning in general. While a majority of seniors will go off to some sort of college or university, college is a bit of a refresher compared to high school, which is similar to middle school, elementary school, etc.

“I have been trying my hardest to keep my grades up, and I feel like I have done a pretty good job,” senior Dylan Lyon said. “I am just trying to finish off the last three weeks of school as strongly as possible to prepare myself for college.”

On the other hand, it is hard for teachers to give a break to their seniors due to the rigorous curriculum requirements for the course, or their classes are a mix of both seniors and juniors or underclassmen.

“Some of my college courses have not given any breaks towards the end of the school year,” senior Branden Reed said. “It continues to challenge me and require me to put in the work.”

 While a lot of students have noticed less homework as the second semester has continued on, there is no denying the fact that it is still extremely hard for seniors to complete any work due to their lack of motivation.

“It is pretty hard for me to sit down and do my homework sometimes due to my lack of motive as the school year ends,” senior Jack Tanke said.

While doing work and focusing in school may be hard, there are ways to help increase motivation and help the time pass quicker. By staying involved in extracurricular activities, doing hobbies and activities you enjoy, and challenging yourself inside and outside of school, there is still just enough room to stay motivated and continue towards the end of the school year.