To celebrate Halloween, Huntley hosted the annual UNICEF Halloween volleyball tournament. Participants were able to dress up in costumes and compete for...
This year, Heineman Middle School's musical was "Seussical Jr." The story follows Horton the Elephant and how he hears tiny Whos speaking to him from a...
On Thursday, Oct. 24, Buddies Club hosted its annual Halloween event, Spooky Buddies. Children were encouraged to wear their costumes and trick-or-treat...
On Sep. 13, Huntley football played against Jacobs. The dress-up theme was hoedown, and the crowd was filled with cheers and excitement. After a tough...
On Sep. 15, Guys Poms performed during the Powderpuff games. The guys wore pink and went all out dancing and jumping around on the field during their performance.
On Wednesday, Oct. 9, Huntley's AAPI Club held a spicy noodle challenge. Participants had to finish their bowl of spicy Buldak ramen as fast as they could...
On Friday, Oct. 11, Huntley played against Cary-Grove. The theme was purple out to raise suicide awareness. After a long game, the Red Raiders lost against...
On Saturday, Oct. 12, the Huntley Farmers Market had its last outdoor market for the season. Children were able to dress in costumes and trick-or-treat...
On Sep. 27, 2024, Huntley's Advanced Art and AP Art classes went to the Anderson Japanese Gardens. The students got to sit in the tranquil environment...