Staring at the gleaming kitchen wall, a burst of inspiration ran through her. She hurriedly armed herself with the paint and pencils her parents had bought her for Christmas, and she got to work. When her mom finally walked in to get a snack, she was greeted with the sight of a beautiful, color-filled unicorn. Senior Elle Assumpcao has been creating art pieces for as long as she can remember....

Huntley High School's fall musical this year was "Chicago." The show stars senior Carrie Willig alongside seniors Matt Glosson and Annie Renghini as they share the story of Roxie Hart getting away with murder in the 1920s.

This year, the high school's musical was "Chicago." The production follows the fictional story of Roxie Hart and how she got away with murder in the 1920s.

On Feb. 21, Huntley's boys varsity basketball team faced off against McHenry High School for their last game of the regular season. The Red Raiders lost to the Warriors with a final score of 44-47. The basketball team ends the season 12-18 heading into the playoffs.

Photos of the boys varsity basketball team by Alex Kramarz.

Domination. That was the theme of this weekend for sports fans. On Sunday, the nation got to see the Eagles crush the Chiefs in the Super Bowl. On Monday, Feb. 10, Huntley got to see our Red Raiders girls varsity basketball team decimate the McHenry Warriors. With a final score of 72-6, it was quite the game to watch and a good one to play. “We play for each other and we care about each other....

A track athlete, energized with her adrenaline for her upcoming event, takes off her winter jacket and begins to stretch. In between stretches, she catches a reassuring glance from her parents in the stands. Over the announcements, she hears that their event is about to begin. She walks over to the start of the track and gets in position to start running. With the loud bang of the starting pistol,...

Staring at the gleaming kitchen wall, a burst of inspiration ran through her. She hurriedly armed herself with the paint and pencils her parents had bought her for Christmas, and she got to work. When her mom finally walked in to get a snack, she was greeted with the sight of a beautiful, color-filled unicorn. Senior Elle Assumpcao has been creating art pieces for as long as she can remember....

The HHS orchestra celebrates the end of the year with a concert featuring all three levels and their skills. Seniors wore a splash of red to celebrate their time in the program. Ella Felz was featured and played a violin concerto.