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The student news site of Huntley High School in Huntley, Illinois

The Voice

The student news site of Huntley High School in Huntley, Illinois

The Voice

The student news site of Huntley High School in Huntley, Illinois

The Voice

All content by River Lee
(Photo credit:

A success for this year’s engineering entrance interviews

By River Lee
May 1, 2018

he first step for all students in Engineering Academy, besides taking the introductory course, is going through the interview process. Students taking...

(R. Lee)

New blended gym classes are taking a toll on students’ health

By River Lee
February 1, 2018

There are more and more physical education classes being offered as blended, such as recreational sports and team sports. But is this beneficial to students?...

One of the dogs, Kai, that was dressed as a “Despicable Me” minion. (R. Lee)

Huntley’s Howl-o-ween!

By River Lee
October 22, 2017

Just this Saturday, Oct. 21, there was a fundraising event for Animal House Shelter at the Huntley Town Square. The event was called Howl-o-ween as a showcase...

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The student news site of Huntley High School in Huntley, Illinois
River Lee