South Park releases its sixth episode titled “Freemium Isn’t Free.”
The episode lunges right into the plot when the first scene is of Jimmy telling Kyle to download the new Terrance and Phillip game because it’s “totally free!”
Kyle plays the game and quickly discovers it is free (only not really) because it is also totally stupid. Stan, however, can not get enough of the game and is soon in trouble with his parents for spending over $400 playing it.
The subplot of the episode revolves around the creators of this game explaining to a furious Terrance and Phillip how the game is designed to make money for Canada.
Meanwhile, Stan’s addiction is getting so bad that he continues to spend his parents’ money and misses school to stay at home and play.
Stan later learns that he has inherited a gambling problem from his grandfather (this lesson is given to him by hypocritical father Randy), and even later receives a hilarious pep talk from Satan.
This episode featured all four of the main characters, something I greatly appreciated, even if Kenny hardly spoke. My beloved continuity continued when Randy kept mentioning gluten free foods and his alter ego.
However, the humor and story line of this episode was bland up until the hilarious ending. I understood the satire and got the point of the episode, but the delivery just was not that funny.
Grade: C+
Best quotation: Stan: Guys, is it that much dumber than video games you play?”
Cartman: …Yes.
Best character: Satan! Wow, I never thought I’d say that…
Funniest moment: The live-action Drink Responsibly commercial.