On December 7, the Huntley High School Link Crew and their freshman advisories delivered Christmas gifts to St. Mary’s Catholic Church that will be delivered to needy children throughout the area.
Since before Thanksgiving, the Link Crew Leaders, and their respective freshman advisories have been collecting money to buy Christmas gifts for young children in need. Thirty children were “adopted” through the Mitten Tree program at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Huntley. These children were “adopted” through either Turning Point of McHenry County or Options and Advocacy (two local organizations that petitioned to St. Mary to be a part of the Mitten Tree program).
Each advisory received four paper mittens which listed the items that a child wants for Christmas this year. The Link Crew Leaders then began to organize and collect money from their freshman in order to go shopping for their “adopted” children. The HHS Link Crew Program has participated in this event for the past three years. Link Crew Leaders look forward to this experience every year.
“For me it is all about realizing how much we truly take for granted. It is hard to imagine my life as a 7 year old girl where ‘Santa’ could not come because of my parent’s financial situation,” said senior Brittini Chung. “I cannot ask for a better way to give a little service than to anonymously give gifts to little kids on Christmas morning.
“I thought that this was a cool experience and that it was really nice to provide something for these children that they would not otherwise receive,” said junior Taylor Hilbrant.
Each advisory collected, on average, about $100 (some as much as $170), all of which is spent on the toys, clothes, educational gifts, games, and movies that will be delivered to the children. Every child that was adopted by an HHS advisory received what they wished for and some received above and beyond what they asked for.
The Freshmen Class and Link Crew also sent 700 cards to the Troops overseas. They really helped spread holiday joy to many families this year.
In the photo:
Top row: Crystal Hoffman, Josh Elam, Anthonia Moore, Emily Kohley, Taylor Szczurek, Colin Lyman, Mike Krebs, Katie Strong, and Bryce Only. Bottom Row: Thomas Regan, Kelsey Seitz, Mrs. Lindquist, Brittni Chung, Brynn O’Donnell, Abigal Spoeth, and Amanda Zbilski
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