School-wide Wi-Fi has become a theme in schools around the nation and as of next year, Huntley High School will be hopping on the band wagon.

Currently, students who are enrolled in blended learning classes are able to use the Wi-Fi but only in select areas of the school. However, beginning on the first day of the 2012-2013 school year, Wi-Fi will be accessible throughout all of HHS.
The district has set out to ensure that the Acceptable Use Policy is accurately defined and outlined so the students and staff know what is acceptable and what is not.
“It [Acceptable Use Policy] basically outlines what you can and can’t do; like you can’t use it for hacking, viewing inappropriate pictures, etc. You agree to it every time you log on to the computer at the school,” said Chief Human Resources Officer Marisa Burkhart.
Just recently, Marisa Burkhart met with each department to reassess all of the technology needs.
“The biggest benefit is just flexibility and more personal use,” said Burkhart.
The school-wide Wi-Fi affects teachers, also. Teachers will no longer have to wait on a long list to borrow the laptop carts, students will be able to use their own laptops, and have better access to the things they really need.
“In an Intro to Business class kids will be able to bring in tablets that will be a big benefit to the students,” said Technology Education teacher Tricia Eibl.
School wide Wi-Fi is just one of several additions the school has made in order to facilitate the new blended classes as well as the growing population of administration and students.
Along with added Wi-Fi, next school year students will get to look forward to some major changes in the technology department as well as new courses available. There will be about seven new online classes added to the school’s curriculum.
“This really shows that the school is willing to adapt to all the technologies that are open to us,” said sophomore Brandon Sherman.
Next school year is ushering in a period of change and progression for HHS.