With Barbie, you can be anything


Courtesy of Flickr.com

By Holly Urbanczyk

Barbie was designed and created to show women they had choices. Women could truly be whoever they wanted and do anything they wanted. Barbie has always included a wide range of clothing for different occupations, further promoting that message.
More recently, Barbie has upgraded to become more body positive and inclusive with a new, wider range of dolls with different sizes and shapes than the original Barbie. The newest Barbie line includes nine different body types, some of which are petite Barbies, tall Barbies, curvy Barbies, and a wider selection of age ranges.
Also, Barbie now includes a selection of Asian, African-American, and Latinx Barbies with almost 40 skin tones to show children that they too can be anything they want.
Barbie is now a role model for even more kids than ever before. She shows bald kids, kids who want to be boxers or artists, kids who want to have blue or purple hair, kids with 4C curls, kids with prosthetic limbs, transgender kids, kids with disabilities, and kids with vitiligo that they are included in this message of prosperity, success, and greatness.
Barbie’s mission is to show kids all over the world that they can and should be true to themselves and to be nobody other than who they are.
However, the newer, more inclusive Barbie line includes almost 200 dolls. The Fashionista Barbie line includes 94 different types, textures, colors, and styles of hair on their dolls helping not only girls but all children be included in Barbie’s message.
Barbie continues to improve and make changes with the desire to represent the children who play with these dolls. These kids can feel represented and see there is someone else who has a prosthetic limb, just like them.
Kids can play games with dolls who look just like them, but they can also form connections with others who look nothing like them.
That’s the beauty of Barbie; everyone is inclusive, friendly, kind, and happy. Barbie was created to show every type of girl that they could be anything, and they have improved throughout the years to better reflect that.