Pursuit of Employment
Join Gretchen as she tells us more about working at Syrup in Algonquin!

October 20, 2022
Finding a job can be difficult, especially when you are in high school. It is easy to see jobs searching for staff on platforms such as Indeed, but who knows if those jobs are worth it. Pursuit of Employment will review local jobs for high schoolers by high schoolers.
Syrup had its initial grand opening July 22, 2020 and it was a hit. Ever since its opening, business has been booming. With the increase of customers comes the increase in staff.
“I got hired because my friend recommended me and I got hired on the spot,” senior Ryan Meyers said.
Attaining a job at Syrup is not too difficult, but there can be some difficulties with the management.
“The managers were unprofessional and I got ghosted and never scheduled again” Meyers said.
The judgment of management can have a biased view from employees, but the two managers overall seemed to have not the most prestigious attitude.
The hours for most workers will be from 7 a.m. or 9-2:30 p.m. These hours are great for students who are early risers and like their nights off, although it leaves less scheduled hours due to school.
The pay is dependent mainly on your position. The main job for people under the age of 18 is going to be either a toaster, host, or busser. The host makes around $13 an hour while the bussers make around $10 an hour plus tips.
“As a busser, I would never make below $100 in tips and on weekends made $150 plus,” Meyers said.
Although the workweek hours might be less than other jobs in the restaurant industry, the pay is decent.
Since most student employees will be part-time employed, the benefits are limited.
“I got 50% off food on-shift but 20% off off-shift,” senior Mia Schmauderer said.
If you are looking for extreme benefits, this might not be the job for you.
The overall rating for this job is 6/10. It has good tips, friendly staff, and good food. The downsides are the management, benefits, and how busy it can be. The hours can be a pro or a con for some, it all depends on what your forte is.