CYT’s Aladdin is now showing at the theatre near you – at Huntley’s very own PAC.
The show made its debut last weekend starring Huntley formers, Sean and Jon Tlapek, as Aladdin and a Huntley sophomore, Sophie Murk, as Jasmine. The show followed the same storyline as the classic Disney Aladin, but had its own unique additions.
“The directors did a good job of bringing new ideas to the story, while still keeping the original storyline that audiences know and love,” said sophomore Emily Marrazzo.
Costumes used in the production were also elaborate and loyal to the original Disney production. A great amount of work went into the sets and effects as well. Each piece had its own complexity and added its own variety to the experience.
“Agrabah was well portrayed with the different colored Arabian costumes the villagers wore, along with the structures of the city behind them,” said Marrazzo.
According to sophomore Veronica Passarelli, the cast had been practicing for about two months. They practiced for four hours every Friday and Saturday of every week up until opening night.
“[Practices were] tiring but it was totally worth it,” said Passarelli, “The audience really loved it especially little kids. They were really excited; clapping and laughing the entire time.”
CYT’s Aladdin is still running this weekend with shows on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Visit http://www.cytchicago.org/mcw12_aladdin for more details.