Senior year final exam requirments

As the year comes to a close senior’s confusion regarding finals increases

Z. Hurmi

Senior struggle to figure out whether or not they need to take final exams.

By Zoe Hurmi

As the year ends, seniors are counting absences to see if they need to take semester two final exams.

 The entire semester seniors have had questions on where to find the requirements to not have to take semester two final exams.

“It’s not terribly clear what the requirements are,” senior Peyton Grannis said.

Some seniors will claim that they were sent an email at the beginning of the semester with the requirements but not everyone received this email. 

Seniors do not know where else to look to find these requirements.

“I’d try to find the email. I have no other clue where to look,” Alexander Lauinger said.

When putting in the effort to find these requirements they are easy to find. In your dean’s office, it should be posted in their office, you can ask your counselor about them as well, and if you go on the Huntley158 website and look under the final exam schedule you can find it at the very bottom of the page. 

“I feel like there are better ways to get this information out than to hide it at the bottom of a page on a website that nobody visits,” Grannis said.

Looking at all of these places our senior class can find the required information seniors don’t put in the effort to go to their pod. 

“I feel like they sent out multiple emails for teachers to tell us or even a raider way lesson that would be more helpful,” Grannis said.

The requirement to not have to take semester two final exams are pretty standard.

“You need to make sure your cumulative average is greater than 70%, No unexcused absences, so you cannot skip, five or fewer excused absences, and three or fewer tardies to the class period during the semester,” Alice Ohlinger said.

Yet there are certain areas where students are still confused in regards to mental health days.

“Mental health days do not account for these absences,” Ohlinger said.

Now with the information being laid out on a silver platter, there should not be a problem to find these requirements, yet there is still confusion.