A District 158 school bus and an Illinois Department of Transportation snow plow were involved in a head-on collision at approximately 8:20 a.m. on Route 23 in Harvard, Ill. Onboard were 22 students and Choir Director Nancy Cross, initially heading toward the IHSA Solo-Ensemble contest being hosted by Harvard High School.
“It seemed the snow plow moved across to center line and it kept coming over,” said Cross. “The bus driver moved over as far as she could.”
The bus blew out a rear tire and was pushed off of the road while the truck’s steel plow was badly bent. Within 20 minutes there were squad cars, a fire truck, and two ambulances on the scene.
“The bus driver was the first person checking to see if everyone was okay,” said Cross.
Few and minor injuries were incurred; the paramedics cautiously dismissed senior Alexis MacFarlane’s bump to the head after conducting several questions. But junior Vickie Choin was taken to Harvard Hospital due to complaints of lower back pain.
By 9:30, another bus had been dispatched and the students were taken back to Huntley High School. On the ride home, “get well” notes written for Choin were circulating as everyone sang “Don’t Stop Believing.”