A seven year-old Andrew Rewerts sat rigidly in his seat as he nervously tried to make sense of the confusing jumble of notes he had just been given. Reading sheet music was usually second nature, having played the piano already for two years, but this was more complicated than he had ever seen.
After being encouraged by his music teacher to join a professional choir, he jumped at the chance to audition for the Encore Music Academy’s all-boy Aria chorus, which was exclusive to boy between grades two and five.
He had been cautioned by music director Ann Tucker—wait. Wait just a while longer so your voice can mature. At least wait until after the next concert; you’re not ready.
Did he listen? Absolutely not.
It wasn’t much later when he found himself before an audience, flapping his jaw and mouthing words that he had not memorized. It was one of the most horrifying experiences of his childhood.
“I felt completely lost,” said Rewerts. “And it was one of the best decisions of my life.”
Fast track about seven years and Rewerts finds himself about to have the most fun of his life in New York City with his Cantabile chorus, another EMA group for boys between grades six and nine.
The summer before his freshman year, he was lucky enough to be selected for a group of 12 boys that would perform at Carnegie Hall alongside the National Children’s Choir, and in a few churches near Ground Zero.
It was a trip filled with the comfort and ease of good friends and spontaneous memories like getting into a sing-off on a subway train with a group of street performers.
“It was the most fun group I have ever been a part of,” said Rewerts. “Everyone knew each other’s names and got along; it felt more like a family than the other groups I worked with.”
But his most rewarding experiences out of all ten years’ experience with ten choral groups were being nominated to perform in Cincinnati for the regional choir in the fall of his freshman year, and being nominated for the national choir a year later.
It was another opportunity to work with Tucker closely and he earned three featured solos in the final concerts.
“It was one of the most memorable experiences of my life,” said Rewerts.
Eventually, he hopes to make singing a permanent element in his life by going to school for music education.