Tonight from 6:00 to just after 9:00, Huntley’s choir performed their Third Quarter Solo/Ensemble Concert, which featured multiple genres of music ranging from classic Italian pieces to modern Broadway ballads. In total, 49 songs were performed.
This concert differs from any past concerts that Huntley’s choirs have performed. Usually, the five choirs, consisting of the Freshman Mixed Choir, the Men’s Chorus, the Concert Choir, the Treble Choir, and the Mastersingers, all perform pieces together in large groups, but this time, the show featured (as its name implies) soloists and ensembles of up to four singers.
The reason for this change in format is because this Saturday, said soloists and ensembles will be competing at th
e IHSA Solo & Ensemble competition.
For the past few years, Huntley has ranked consistently in the top 10 of the competition, and choir teacher Nancy Cross is optimistic for this year’s competition as well.
“I think that everybody’s going to do well,” said Cross. “They’re well prepared.”
Due to the show’s unique format, not all choir students sang. Students in the school’s Mastersingers Choir and Treble Choir are required to participate in some way, and students from other choirs are invited to participate as well.
The show not only functioned as a chance for students to showcase their talents, but also as a rehearsal for Saturday, where they will represent their school by performing their pieces in front of judges with music experience.
“I hope they have a good experience Saturday,” said Cross. “Mostly, the judges are very positive and helpful.”
According to Cross, participating in the solo/ensemble competition is great practice for students considering pursuing music in college, especially if they are performing pieces in Italian or other traditional languages.
For senior and 4-year choir member Kayla Rekett, being in choir has also helped her to become more comfortable with performing.
“It gives you a lot more confidence to be out on stage and sing at the concerts,” said Rekett.