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The Voice

Opportunities Rise with the Medical Academy


     School District 158 is planning on installing the Medical Academy into the curriculum. The district plans on using the ’school-within-a-school’ method to implement the Medical Academy. It will be a set of medical related classes that students can choose to take.

     The Medical Academy is a school-within-a-school. This means that it is a series of classes that will prepare students for a specific career. If they choose to take one of the two series of classes in the Medical Academy, then the students have to follow the series as they progress through high school and take the required high school classes.

     These classes can prepare students for a variety of medical professions. There are five main categories of medical related professions; Therapeutic Services, Diagnostic Services, Supportive Services, Information and Communication Services, and Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Services. 

     “It will allow students to build classes into their schedule to give as many opportunities as possible,” said Mike Moan, chief academic officer of District 158.

     NIU and Centegra paired up with the school district in order to help implement the Medical Academy.
     According to Moan, Centegra gives the point of view of someone who would possibly hire the students at Huntley High School. NIU is a four year college that provides guidance in the creation of the Medical Academy.

     The Medical Skills and Services class that was recently offered is only the first step in the process of implementing the Medical Academy. When students were offered to enroll in Medical Skills and Services, which is taught by Renae St. Clair, over 100 students showed interest in the class.
     The next school year, 2012-2013, will introduce Project Lead the Way (PLTW). According to St. Clair, PLTW is a national organization that has formerly concentrated on engineering, but recently added a biomedical science program. There are hundreds of schools in the state that adopted PLTW’s engineering program.

     “There are only two schools in the state that have the biomedical science program, and we hope to be the third,” said St. Clair.

     The PLTW classes that will be offered include Principles of Biomedical Sciences, proposed to begin in 2012-2013 school year, Human Body Systems, proposed to begin in 2013-2014 school year, Medical Interventions, proposed to begin 2014-2015 school year, and Biomedical Innovation.

     PLTW classes are not the only classes that are offered in the Medical Academy. There will be completely new classes created including History and Current Issues in Medicine, Athletic Training and Sports Medicine, Medical Math, and others. There will be classes that exist in Huntley High School already, such as AP Chemistry, Animal Science, Honors Biology, and others. The Medical Academy includes existing classes that will be modified including Human Anatomy, First responder, Medical Internship/Coop, and others.

     All of the classes offered in the Medical Academy are organized into two pathways; Certified Allied Health Pathway and Medical Professional Pathway. According to Ms. St. Clair, the Medical Professional Pathway is the more rigorous course for students who plan to go to college for four years or more. The Certified Allied Health Pathway is a moderate course for students who plan on only a two year degree. 

     The mission of the Medical Academy is to prepare students for a variety of medical careers, successful transition to college, and to give Huntley High School’s students as many opportunities as possible.

     “I think this could be a great opportunity,” said Moan.

Post Author: Ashley Secreto. Ashley Secreto is a sophomore at Huntley High School. She is on the Huntley High School Golf Team. She enjoys throwing rocks at people and reading. Her favorite subject is math. She has an older sister and a younger brother. She has lived in Huntley her whole life.

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Ashley Secreto, Author

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  • A

    anosha sheikhOct 21, 2011 at 5:16 pm

    So, are these medical classes going to be at HHS soon? & which classmen level would they be availiable to?

  • M

    Mrs. DaurerOct 21, 2011 at 3:44 pm

    Nice article! I can’t wait to see the opportunities that become available because of the Medical Academy! (I also really like the ‘About the Author’!)
