Coffee Dates #1: junior Mady Wilnau

P. Siegler

By Peyton Siegler

What does the word love mean to you? How would you describe it?
I think love can definitely mean different things for different people. I mean there’s love of yourself, love of your family, love of your friends, [and] there’s love of a significant other. All of those are kind of a different type of love. I feel like love is kind of the word to describe being selfless, being there for someone, [and] caring about someone.

Who is the first person to come to mind when you think of someone you love?
Honestly, my mom. I love my mom. She’s the coolest person I’ve ever met, definitely the coolest role model, most selfless person, [and] most caring person. She would literally give you the clothes off her own back, would take anyone in. She is amazing. She deserves the world, and I wish I could give that to her.