Monday Movie Review

Courtesy of IMBD

By Sophia Coronado, Staff Writer

Director Argyris Papadimitropoulos’s Monday is a scandalous and chaotic film in Greece targeted towards an adult audience. Starring in the movie is actors Sebastian Stan (Mickey) and Denise Gough (Chloe) in the story of their drunken rendezvous.

There were many close-up camera angles and charming landscape scenes; however, the dramatic background music made the clips seem cheesy and overdramatic. The honeymoon phase of Mickey and Chloe’s relationship is romanticized with their motorcycle rides and romantic adventures, but soon the movie quickly wanes as the two part every night.

The main character Mickey has lived in Greece for seven years with his son and ex-wife. On the other hand, Chloe visits Greece from Chicago. The timeline of the movie is confusing because each day is labeled with on-screen text as Friday, even though morning and night clearly occur each day. In sum, the days are montages of partying and romance.

There is lots of symbolism hidden in the film. As Chloe’s life seems to spiral down ever since she stayed with Mickey, the scenery gets uglier. As an example, they cut branches off of the once beautiful trees in her neighborhood. 

Soon enough, as the couple continues their antics, Chloe finds out she’s pregnant and decides to get rid of her baby because she freaks out. But she refrains from telling her boyfriend, Mickey, and this secrecy just chips away at their once stable relationship.

After Mickey continuously takes the relationship as a joke and acts like a child, Chloe begins to realize she should have gone back home. Her boyfriend does not realize Chloe just wants to live normally with him instead of going crazy each night with alcohol. 

This only worsens as both Chloe and Mickey become depressed and their friends become worrisome. At another wedding party, Mickey learns of Chloe’s ex-boyfriend, Christos, and even briefly meets him. Again, the situation worsens as Mickey’s jealousy kicks in and Cristos begins to flirt with and harass Chloe. 

Eventually, the audience learns from Mickey’s friend the reason why he is messing up his relationship. Mickey doesn’t love himself, meaning it is impossible for him to love Chloe. Therefore, he tries to leave Chloe because he does not know what else to do. 

The night gets even worse as Mickey drunkenly proposes to Chloe in an angry rant against her ex-boyfriend. Chloe awkwardly declines because she feels embarrassed in front of everyone and knows Mickey is heavily intoxicated.

After what seems to be their worst night, their relationship begins to get better as they lightheartedly learn songs to sing to Mickey’s son. But they can’t have one moment without drinking and turning chaotic. 

Everything turns ugly as they turn to drugs and this is shown as the colors and imagery turn darker. They both go insane and break local laws on a drunken motorcycle ride. Both get arrested and interrogated in the foreign police station, turning the tone of the story serious.

Mickey ends up calling Chloe’s ex-boyfriend, Christos, to bail him out of jail but leaves Chloe there. He does not even acknowledge how he stood at home for the weekend with his girlfriend still in prison.

Without any context, the movie finally ends as the two wait for Mickey’s son to get out of school and smile as they see him. This cliffhanger could mean their relationship will get better because they have to be good examples for the son or worse if taking care of his son is too much pressure for the unstable couple.

Ultimately, I found this movie to be extremely chaotic, vulgar, and a mess of unnecessary scandal.