The crowd anticipates in excitement for the moment that the lights dim so their favorite artists can walk on stage. They scream as James Bay walks onto the stage looking nervous. The crowd immediately silences as he strums the first note of the song, “Let It Go.”
During the summer of 2023, The Lumineers mapped out their tour across the US in support of their latest album, “Brightside,” bringing along James Bay as their opening act.
The tour kicked off at Bangor, Maine on Aug. 16, and they will make their way around the east coast and to the other side of the county to perform their 19 songs and three encore songs to end the night.
As The Lumineers have created a large following over the years, they have constantly raised the bar with every album having at least three hits. “Brightside” was set with high expectations, as everyone was anticipating a tour date to be released.
The Lumineers have a way of making songs that have a deep and sorrowful story line into something beautiful. The song “Brightside” does exactly that, and this has led their fan base to grow at a rapid rate.
Every one of The Lummineers tours has had a personal story that has affected them, and they write it into their music. The lead singer, Wesley Schultz, was in a near death car accident in Dublin, and it inspired this album to go on tour.
The storyline begins with a person that is turning numb to the world they live in, as The Lumineers sing in the perspective of a person that cares and loves them, and eventually helps them through this hard time. This deep love story hits the hearts of many.
“When I first listened to ‘Brightside,’ I immediately fell in love with those lyrics,” Sofia Hargis-Acevedo said. “They perfectly depict the unconditional love that two people can have with each other.”
The two time Grammy nominated band is now touring their fourth album with Brightside. The tour has really expanded off of that single and made a different connection with each city in every state. The Lummineers have done it again.
The Lumineers did it again
After the release of their new album, the band is back on tour.
September 18, 2023
The Lumineers collaborate with James Bay for their last song at the Gorge Amphitheater, Washington.
About the Contributor

Bailee Borchart, Staff Writer
Bailee Borchart is a writer for The Voice and it’s her second year on staff. She really enjoys playing soccer with her friends and snowboarding as soon as snow falls.