The Voice

The Voice

The Voice

Not recycling ruins our world!

But can you make a difference?
Not recycling ruins our world!
M. Ascencio

Recycling is not just a choice it’s a powerful commitment that preserves our planet and shapes a more sustainable future for us. And even if you can make a difference here in Huntley from reusing your glass jars to turning your so-called “garbage” into something brand new, there are so many possibilities when it comes to recycling.

But where do you start and is it worth it?

Realistically one person recycling cannot make a huge dent in the world we live in. And it’s impossible to get the whole world on board with it but our planet is constantly being damaged by the pile-ups in landfills, trash is going into the oceans, and how much space the trash is taking up and even though that might not affect us that much right now it will affect the future generations ahead of us. Not many people think it’s worth the effort to start caring about the environment since no one else around them does, but things like this always start with one person, and it could be you. 

 “Everybody at home could be using cloth towels and cloth napkins; there’s no reason to use all the paper junk at home,” said Bridget Regan, an art teacher at Huntley High School. “But is that realistic in a school building, absolutely not.”

There are so many things used in the day to day life that we do not need to be using like paper towels, plastic silverware, plastic packaging, and more. Although no one can force others to change all of that, it’s possible to personally do that, starting by reusing the things you use, reducing the things bought in plastic, and keeping an eye on what is being thrown out every day. Sadly people don’t typically have the motivation to make such big changes for the “sake of the environment.”

Victoria Hernandez, a senior at a high school nearby Huntley, “Yeah sure I would, but is it really that easy? I don’t think I’d have any motivation to just change those things in my life even if they are small. Though I could stop using plastic water bottles and silverware,” senior Victoria Hernandez said.

 If a person is motivated enough to make such a change they can be part of a small group that wants to help save our world and future generations. If the person isn’t motivated nothing can be done and our planet will be at stake. 

“It is tough to remember to not buy plastic things especially here in our school,” sophomore Tanvi Patel said.

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    Samantha MohammadNov 27, 2023 at 3:22 pm

