Let me tell you, Marvel’s thirteenth installment of the Avenger’s series, “Captain America: Civil War,” was a roller coaster. Not only were there quite a few cameos, there a was a very blatant dynamic change within the Avengers.
Captain America, or Steve Rogers, (Evans) and Iron Man, or Tony Stark (Downey Jr.), completely switched their staple characteristics. When faced with the possibility of being managed by the United Nations, Stark does the exact opposite of what he usually does; he sits back and listens and then instead of reacting immediately, takes the time to think over the Avenger’s next move. He brings more emotion to this movie than any of the other movies.
Rogers, the level-headed one, who always takes the time to map out all possibilities, says screw it, without even a second thought, and refuses to sign over the Avengers. With Rogers going rogue and Stark going soft, this movie really turned some fans upside-down.
As the story goes on, the Avengers split, some siding with Stark, some siding with Rogers.
Understand why it’s called “Civil War” yet?

The two sides eventually face off, with the help of some kick butt cameos, that you’ve gotta see to believe. The face off between the two teams is a hard pill to swallow. The Avengers split is enough to make anyone upset, but pinned against each other is enough to have you panicking in the middle of the movie theater- I know I was.
But really, who wouldn’t be silently rooting for Iron Man in this war? Not only does he really play on your emotions with a heartbreaking backstory, he’s Iron Man. How can you not be on his team? He’s the original Avenger and, next to Black Widow (Johansson), he’s the coolest of all of them.
While he didn’t throw the hardest punch, and unlike the now heartless Captain America, stopped before really hurting one of his friends, Iron Man proved that there’s more to him than just the hard, sarcastic outside.
So really, there’s only one choice in this civil war- choose wisely.