Homecoming week brings sense of normalcy

Guys Poms performs at the pep assembly on Friday, Sept. 17. (S. Hashmi)

By Ben Rocks

The anticipated bell rings. Students spill out into the ever-so-crowded hallways, chattering about each other’s outfits. It is officially Homecoming week.

“The energy is back,” senior Charlie Kucz said.

This year was the first Homecoming since the pandemic. Although confined by restraints and guidelines, students are more than excited to be back for Homecoming week.

The school festivities started on Sunday, Sept. 19, with the Huntley Powder Puff game. The freshmen lost to the sophomores, while the juniors took down the seniors.

Weekdays came with dress-up themes including Hawaiian, ‘80s, hoedown, tie-dye, and class colors. Amidst the themes, the Huntley Square held one of its oldest traditions on Wednesday: the Homecoming Parade. This is where all of the fall sports and clubs got together on floats and made their way down Main Street accompanied by the marching band, Raider Nation, and Homecoming court. 

Another notable tradition was the pep rally. This year, however, it looked a little different due to CDC guidelines. All students were outside in the football stands and sorted by class. The freshmen wore gray, the sophomores white, the juniors red, and the seniors black. Each class had a few representatives to compete in a set of preselected games. 

“These games, this week in general, bring a sense of unity that this school has not seen since pre-COVID times,” junior Nick Kiolbassa said. 

On Friday, Huntley’s Homecoming football game started off with a rain delay. Nonetheless, the delay unified Raider Nation, which assisted in the 21-12 victory over Burlington Central. At the game, seniors Dean Rizzo and Maddie Raclawski were crowned as the 2021 Homecoming king and queen.

Rounding out the week was the Homecoming dance. As with the pep assembly, the dance was held outside on the Leggee Elementary School soccer field. 

Huntley’s Student Council had to be creative this year to create themes and decorations due to the abnormalities. A Night Under the Stars was the Homecoming dance theme. The evening came to a close with fireworks in the distance.  Many underclassmen yearn for next year’s festivities, while the seniors leave with the satisfaction that they could have their final Homecoming.