It was an average Monday during fourth hour. As I walked towards the HUB, I was quickly stopped by a long line stretching the majority of one of the main trafficked hallways at Huntley High School.
This has been stimulated by one of the newest rules: scanning in after every single class period, regardless of if you are planning to stay for multiple class periods in a row.
With new rules being implemented into Huntley’s library, students are starting to become upset and frustrated by how some of these rules are being enforced.
With a shift in the attitude and environment within the walls of the HUB, many students have tried to steer clear of this space due to anger from staff about missing IDs or talking too loudly.
“More people are trying to avoid the HUB more because people are afraid of being yelled at for anything they do,” junior Sara Willis said.
The HUB always has been, and always will be, one of the top study places for students to study on school grounds.
With more rules being implemented into place, the HUB is becoming a better space for students to study and complete homework.
“Per the HHS administration’s request starting 3/18/2024, students are now expected to wear their IDs when they enter and exit the Hub rather than just have it with them to scan in,” HHS HUB staff member said. “This allows the deans to determine if students are where they are supposed to be.”
The HUB is a study space, and not a skipping place for students. Having IDs on and scanning every class period is just an extra step to ensure students are using the space appropriately, and are where they need to be.
Previously, students who were staying for multiple class periods in a row had to leave the library with all of their stuff and scan back in.
However, students are now allowed to leave all of their stuff, and just scan back in to ensure they are where they need to be.
“The HUB is better served as a place for students to do additional studying, get some work done, maybe use the collaboration rooms, but all of those things are focused more on education rather than the social,” English teacher Denise Stanfa said.
If you are looking to talk with friends and be on your phone for an extended period of time, Huntley’s library may not be for you.
The commons space by the school’s cafeteria is a great option to talk to friends and hangout instead of the quiet library.
“Sometimes in the work area, people get very loud and disruptive; I feel like that is one of the benefits of them being more strict,” Willis said. “I haven’t seen too many other benefits, just complaints.”
One of the only complaints from the student body is reprimands from the staff, which can include yelling. Students can understand the rules, but the message of the rules can come out better without yelling.
Ultimately, the new rules are preventative, because the HUB is for studying and not for students skipping class.