Students may have recently seen posters around the school advertising a $100 reward from the Huntley Police Department for information about criminal activity lately in the Heritage and Wing Pointe subdivisions of Huntley.
During the past month, there have been multiple vandalisms of cars and mailboxes in Heritage, as well as a burglary of the Huntley Food and Liquor store on Dundee Road. Cars in the store’s parking lot were also vandalized.
“We’re not sure if the events are connected because they didn’t happen on the same night, but there’s a strong probability that juveniles are behind the incidents,” said Huntley officer Nora Kruis.
Due to the probability that the suspects were of high school age, Officer Kruis received permission from Principal Dave Johnson to post fliers around the school yesterday, asking students to come forward if they have any information.
“Multiple students have already come forward and provided useful information,” said Officer Kruis.
This is also the first time that a reward has been offered at Huntley for information about the case.
“In regards to the reward, we [the Huntley Police Department] would like to stress that it’s not 100% guaranteed,” said Officer Kruis. “The $100 will be rewarded if the information is credible and leads to the apprehension of suspects.”
Students who come forward will be kept anonymous, and Officer Kruis recommends students coming to report suspicious activity alone.
“Sometimes students make the mistake of bringing friends with them for moral support, but we [the Huntley Police Department] can’t guarantee that your friends will remain silent about your involvement,” said Officer Kruis.
Though students may want to bring friends for solidarity, the rumor mill is hard to control.
“This is high school, after all,” said Officer Kruis.
If you would like to provide information about the criminal activity, you can see Officer Kruis in room 2134.