As Sophomore Sophie Wagner was playing “Flappy Bird,” she remembered how much fun she had playing the game and how many memories she had playing it with her friends.
“Flappy Bird” was the biggest trending app in 2013 and early 2014, being the most downloaded app ever on the App Store.
“Flappy Bird” was released in May of 2013, and skyrocketed to the top. However, “Flappy Bird” was did not pass “Candy Crush” and “Angry Birds” in total downloads.
“”Flappy Bird” was a great game back in the day, and I really enjoyed playing the game with my friends,” said sophomore Tommy Ryan.
The game was so addicting because it was so simple; all the people playing the game had to just pass through the pixelated green pipes.
The was just simple but everyone just kept on playing it to boast their high score to their friends. By the end of 2013, “Flappy Bird” hit 50 million downloads, which broke the record for most fastest download game in a year.
People were even starting to experience a “Flappy Bird Fever” with people getting addicted to the game and not being able to get of it for hours.

Everyone everywhere was playing the game. From students, teachers, parents, and even to grandparents.
This is why the creator, Dong Nguyen, took down the game because it was becoming too addictive for people and was only supposed to be a game that would only be played for 5 minutes.
Once Flappy Bird was taken from the App Store, the game quickly faded away and was rarely played again.
The best part of “Flappy Bird” was being so addicted to the game, since all people wanted to do was beat their high score, which made people play the game more.
There has been talks from Dong Nguyen that he would be releasing the game again, but people will always remember the first time that “Flappy Bird” was released and how successful it was.