Featured on several programs on TV and social media, the Sallie House is one of the most well known real life haunted houses in the United States. Hundreds of people flock to the small town of Atchinson, Kansas each year to visit the infamous home, and almost all of them leave with their own terrifying story to tell.
So, what is the story behind this creepy attraction? It is said that, years ago, a physician once owned the house. One day, a woman brought in her sick daughter, Sallie, and the physician discovered that she had appendicitis. After an unsuccessful emergency surgery, Sallie passed away in the house.
Years later, a couple who was renting the house started experiencing unexplainable and disturbing things. The husband would get attacked and be left with scratches or bruises that came from nowhere, candles and lights would turn on by themselves, and disembodied voices and noises were heard all throughout the house. After their son was born, the paranormal activity picked up. Dolls would catch fire, and the husband started getting harmed more and more. One day, the couple walked into their son’s bedroom and found all of the stuffed animals sitting in a circle in the middle of the room.
After two years of living in the ghostly house, the couple finally decided to move out. Now, the house is an attraction where people can pay to stay the night. Visitors have reported seeing objects move randomly around the house, lights dimming, and animals acting strange. They can feel something touching them, even if nothing is there, and they get hit with sudden shocks of coldness. Some have even reported seeing multiple apparitions in the house, and a few even claim that they woke up to a face staring back at them. Ghost hunters with proper equipment have reported that their batteries and equipment suddenly drain completely and stop working.
Whether you believe in ghosts or not, this house has many unexplainable stories and experiences tied to it.