Huntley High School senior Madie Bartot has been nominated to perform in the National Association for Music Education, otherwise referred to as NAME, in the John F. Kennedy Center, Washington DC on June 24.
Earlier this month, Bartot was selected by NAME, the nation’s most prestigious student music ensemble. She will be playing flute in the All-National Honor Band among 71 other elected students among the nation.
Bartot was the only high school student chosen from the state of Illinois.
“I think it’s an honor being chosen for this band,” said Bartot. “I didn’t think I would be [selected] but it is just nice to know all my hard work paid off.”
In cause of the prestigious selection, Bartot continues to practice her daily routine, consisting of playing the flute for an average of two hours, at home. As well as taking extra lessons, she has been attending since January of last year, Bartot is currently waiting to receive the music release from NAME in order to start her practice for the performance.
Bartot became aware of the NAME through her band director, Nick Konwerski, who encouraged her to audition.
“I tried out for the experience,” said Bartot. “ I just took it as practice.”
The audition required Bartot to record herself playing two etudes, a long piece, and the chromatic scale.
Upon finding her acceptance into the most prestigious student ensemble, Bartot was incredulous but happy to be chosen.
“I’m hoping the experience will let me learn from the other students and directors,” said Bartot. “It’s just nice to be able to play with a band of other passionate players because the sound you can create is just amazing.”
The five day trip, beginning on June 20 to the 25, will allow Bartot to practice with NAME’s most selective instructors while also having a chance to sightsee around DC. Being able to perform in the all-national honor band serves as a bittersweet ending to her high school band career.
“I’m going to miss playing with my friends in the band from Huntley,” said Bartot. “It makes everything more personal.”
Bartot plans to attend Marquette University next year, where she will participate in their school band and pep band in the future.