As the sun sets over the horizon, the temperature in the town of Algonquin slowly cools- evidence that the day is nearing its end. But for the members of the District 158 Board of Education the night is just getting started.
t’s 7 p.m. The members of the Board of Education shuffle out of a small room, located toward the back of the Administrative Board Room. They have just...
After a long, cold day with no school for the students, the members of the District 158 Board of Education sat down to discuss important matters within the district. It was going to be a long session.
The girls hopped off of the bus one-by-one, bags in hand, ready for what lie ahead of them. 4:27 p.m. they had made it just in time for their 4:30 p.m. meet. They weren’t entirely sure what to expect. After all, the group of girls would be facing one of the most challenging bowling teams in the area.
Every year, after all of the day’s activities have finished and everyone has gone home, the National Honor Society stays behind in preparation for one of the most significant events for their upcoming year.
Within the last month or two, there have been two games that a good amount of people have been talking about. “Call of Duty: Ghosts” and “Battlefield...