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The student news site of Huntley High School in Huntley, Illinois

The Voice

The student news site of Huntley High School in Huntley, Illinois

The Voice

The student news site of Huntley High School in Huntley, Illinois

The Voice

Advanced Placement or Advanced Prison: Episode Two

Join floating editor Daniel Przybylko as he talks about his favorite AP classes that he has taken over his high school career.
By Daniel Przybylko, Floating Editor
November 19, 2024

New Physics Vanguard teacher Robert Adamczyk (G. Sweeney).

New Vanguard Teacher Takes On The Beginning of the Year

New Physics Vanguard teacher Robert Adamczyk starts in the fall with an intriguing background.
By Gretchen Sweeney
November 2, 2021

Both a vanguard student and Robert Adamczyk have the same look of excitement and relief on their faces. The student had finally figured out a checkpoint...

Physics from New Mexico to Switzerland

Physics from New Mexico to Switzerland

By Danielle Rivera
January 25, 2014
Andrew Johnson is currently teaching Conceptual Physics and AP Physics C in Huntley High School. He also does lectures at Waubonsee Community College every Tuesday and Thursday evening as a side job. For those fortunate enough to have had him as an instructor, you are well aware of what a respectable individual he is. As of right now Johnson’s life seems to be revolving around school mostly, but that doesn’t seem to bother him at all because he loves what he does.
Giving up the universe

Giving up the universe

By Kayla Garcia
February 26, 2012
For most of the science teachers at Huntley High School, just teaching science is all they have known, but for physics teacher Amanda Henk, it has been so much more.
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The student news site of Huntley High School in Huntley, Illinois