Mindful Minutes: Episode 3
Join editor-in-chief Irene Banerjee as she speaks about grief and common mental health struggles among teenagers.

Breaking the stigma
The returning Mental Health Fair makes a comeback on Jan. 29.

No Home Like the Bo Dome: Episode 3
Join floating editor Taryn Rainey as she talks through mental toughness in softball and one of the latest member times at the dome.

Breaking the stigma
On Jan. 31, many people come to embrace mental wellness at Huntley’s Mental Health fair.

Leave it on the dance floor
Join Sydney Derbas as she talks about the positive mental and physical effects of dance.

Mental health fair resource fair
A new fair at Huntley High School has occurred to encourage people to make mental health a priority in their lives.

Pluto Cam: Episode 2
Join Ly, and her friend Len , about the benefits and dangers of romanticizing your life.

Students’ Plates Are Too Full
Should students reevaluate their workload and prioritize their mental health?

Is HHS supportive or slacking on students’ mental health?
Students and staff still struggle to come back after remote learning