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The student news site of Huntley High School in Huntley, Illinois

The Voice

The student news site of Huntley High School in Huntley, Illinois

The Voice

The student news site of Huntley High School in Huntley, Illinois

The Voice

Leah Drennan and Kaitlin Mueller standing in front of the periodic table in their chemistry room.

Covalent bonds through co-teaching chemistry

Leah Drennan and Kaitlin Mueller create a healthy teaching environment as they co-teach chemistry through friendship
By Dominic Morales
November 5, 2024

Teachers have stressful jobs. Managing lessons, grading, and teaching lessons all roll together into a tough gig. Making friends with each other can help...

Dowling teaches his students about different formulas and methods to help his students prepare for their test.

It is a Great Day to be a Red Raider!

This teacher is motivating his students to be their best selves through educational rants.
By Ava Berardi
March 6, 2023

Brendan Dowling, a Geometry and Intermediate Algebra teacher sits up from his desk and strolls to the front of the class. He looks around and sees his...

Krivosik is passionate in leading his students through conducting the band.

Conducting the way for students’ success

HHS band director Kevin Krivosik shows enthusiasm and devotion through his teaching.
By Maya Hiermann
November 7, 2022

Every morning at 7 a.m. for five days a week, Kevin Krivosik arrives at school, ready to inspire future musicians. He grabs his baton and leads his students...

Math teacher Rebecca Godez solving an equation on the whiteboard

You matter because she says so

Rebbeca Godez starts off 2022 as HHS’s newest and happiest math teacher.
By Dylan Palczynski
January 19, 2022

Recently, teachers and students across Huntley High School have identified a shooting star traveling across the school. Starting from the upper West Wing...

Quarantined student sit in bed, staring at this screen, in hopes of eventually being let into their Zoom classes.

Zoom protocols look different for every class

Time spent on Zoom is different for every student as quarantine numbers are rising.
By Amanda Sarrol
January 17, 2022

Since school started back in August, students who are quarantined due to the coronavirus use Zoom in order to stay on top of their school work.  “I...

Courtesy of Naina Birdi

E-learning in the art department

By Zaina Mohammed
October 9, 2020

Sophomore Naina Birdi impatiently sat in front of her computer screen on Aug. 21 while her Zoom meeting was loading on the connecting page.  “How...

Doctor Knott in her classroom.

Getting her doctorate

By Taylor O’Donnell
January 27, 2015

fter years of hard work, three to be exact, it was finished. All the essays, the projects, the late nights spent studying; they were all complete. Beth...

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The student news site of Huntley High School in Huntley, Illinois