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The student news site of Huntley High School in Huntley, Illinois

The Voice

The student news site of Huntley High School in Huntley, Illinois

The Voice

The student news site of Huntley High School in Huntley, Illinois

The Voice

R. Habel

Girls JV Basketball vs Prairie Ridge, 1.27.23

By Rae Habel
January 29, 2023

Huntley girls JV basketball went against Prairie Ridge last Friday, Jan. 27. The game was a super fun and exhilarating experience. If you haven't gone...

Girls basketball defeats Dundee Crown 55-26

Girls basketball defeats Dundee Crown 55-26

Varsity worked hard and got a solid wins against Dundee Crown.
By Jadyn Sola
January 18, 2023

In an exciting game, the varsity girls basketball team won their conference game on Jan. 13 against Dundee Crown. They managed to sweep their opponents...

J. Thompson

Girls Varsity Basketball vs Dundee-Crown, 1.13.23

By Jay Thompson
January 18, 2023

Girls varsity basketball takes on Dundee-Crown. They took the lead right from the start with the score 17-0. By the final quarter, the Raiders took the...

K. Nash

Girls Varsity Basketball Thanksgiving Tournament, 11.17.2022

By Kathleen Nash
December 9, 2022

Girls varsity basketball went against Boylan Catholic. Huntley scored a lot of points working with the dynamic duo Sammy and Anna Campanelli.

Huntley girl varsity sweeps the court. (A. Joob)

Hoops, they did it again!

Varsity girls basketball beats Cary Grove 59-46.
By Arianna Joob
December 7, 2022
A. Cobb

Varsity Girls Basketball, 11.16.2022

By Alexis Cobb
November 21, 2022

The Huntley Girls Varsity Basketball team hosted Boylan on Wednesday for their season home-opener. The girls fought hard in the first half and pulled away...

Girls basketball holds the Fox Valley Conference trophy.

Teamwork makes the dream work

The girls varsity basketball team has a triumphant senior night and wins the Fox Valley Conference championship
By Gretchen Sweeney
February 14, 2022

The central gym echoes delightful sounds of cheers and stomping feet in support of the girl varsity basketball team. Belin stands spectating in the corner...

Huntley’s Ashlyn Horton shoots her first free throw against Hampshire on Friday.

Huntley’s lockdown defense is too much for Hampshire to handle

The girls basketball team takes yet another win against Hampshire
By Ty Goodrich
December 12, 2021

Huntley girls basketball improved to 7-1 overall and remains undefeated in the conference after a hard fought win against Hampshire, 36-22. The Red...

The varsity team celebrates their landslide victory against Prairie Ridge

Bouncing into Brilliance

Huntley’s girls varsity basketball team wins the first game of the season with a 15-point lead
By Kate Alvarado
December 3, 2021

Walking onto the court, senior Nicole Flaherty prepared to kick off her last conference season on Huntley’s varsity girls basketball team. With the bright,...

Huntley girls basketball stays strong against Jacobs

Huntley girls basketball stays strong against Jacobs

By Veronica Castillo
February 4, 2020

As the last ten seconds went down on the clock, the crowd chanted “Three… two… one!” until finally the buzzer blared and the crowd cheered, another...

The task to take down the Chargers

The task to take down the Chargers

By Ayman Mirkhan
January 23, 2020

Blood, sweat, tears, and teamwork is what wins games. That’s what wins championships. Despite the turnout in Huntley’s last game, they showed the significance...

Huntley girls basketball triumphs over Hampshire to further conference status

Huntley girls basketball triumphs over Hampshire to further conference status

By Brooke Hamann
January 15, 2020

Guard Ashley Guazzo’s leg slowly rose, bending conveniently accessible to her hand. Using her palm, she slowly rubbed the sole of her shoe with the sweat...

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The student news site of Huntley High School in Huntley, Illinois