Bailee Borchart, Staff Writer

A heated and competitive match up between Huntley and Hononegah
Varsity girls basketball match up with Hononegah for their second game of the year

The Raider Report: Episode 1
Join Bailee Borchart in discussing the new activities and sports going on at HHS!

The Lumineers did it again
After the release of their new album, the band is back on tour.

Metallica is back
New album, "72 Seasons," walks listeners through teenage years.

The Raider Report: Episode 4
Join Bailee Borchart as she checks in with a raider about her experience playing soccer.

The Raider Report: Episode 3
Join Bailee Borchart as she checks in with a Red Raider girls soccer player.

Shutting down the competition
Varsity girls basketball beats McHenry 54-29

Is college really worth it?
Students and parents have noticed a sudden increase in college tuition, thus making it harder to find affordable schools

The Raider Report: Episode 2
Join Bailee Borchart as she checks in with a Red Raider about his experience playing football.

Crystal Lake South kicks and scores against Huntley varsity soccer
The varsity soccer team loses to Crystal Lake South in overtime.

The Raider Report: Episode 1
Join Bailee Borchart as she checks in with a raider about her experience playing soccer!