Collision course
Students struggle to get to cars safely because of kids running.

Expect shocking changes regarding AP classes next year
The new AP Act that was recently implemented will affect student's classes

This is not your house and the staff is not your mother!
Students continue to treat the lunchroom with disrespect and leave their garbage

Hallway Talk: Episode 2
Join staffers Katie Walsh and Leyla Arroyo as they ask various students if they could go anywhere in the world where would they go!

Hampshire Whip-Purs defeat HHS boys varsity basketball
The close Huntley home game ends with a score of 36-39.

Catch us in the kitchen
Join Carrie and Kathleen as they make Valentine's Day cookies.

A veteran in the sport of life
Senior Adam Pena had dedicated his life to wrestling, and does not plan on stopping.

Huntley Speaks: Episode 1
Join Jadyn as she asks Huntley High School students and teachers what is one rule they live by.

Hallway Talk: Episode 1
Join staffers Katie Walsh and Leyla Arroyo as they ask various students about their prized possessions!

What’s in your backpack: Episode 1
Join Arianna Joob as she asks three students about the items in their backpacks.

HHS Get to Know You: Episode 1
Join staffer Emmy Byers as she interviews Huntley High School sophomore Aidan Larson in this pilot episode!