Lilly Cascone, Writer

The “Wolf Man” returns
Universal Pictures new movie "Wolf Man" makes its return in 2025 after many different retellings of the old legend.

TWICE’S strategy to success
On Dec. 6, TWICE released their 14th mini album, "STRATEGY," and with their strategy, you will not be able to resist their charming music.

The Friday night fight
Huntley's loss against Burlington Central will not bring them down.

New director, new growth
Tyler Guthrie becomes the new HHS band director, helping the band grow their abilities and talents.

Grab That Popcorn: Episode 4
Photographer Lily Cascone reviews the romantic comedy show "How I Met Your Mother."

Grab That Popcorn: Episode 3
Join Lilly as she describes the 2009 comedic romance movie "The Proposal."

Grab That Popcorn: Episode 2
Join photographer Lilly Cascone as she reviews "The Super Mario Bros. Movie."

Grab that Popcorn: Episode 1
Join junior Lilly Cascone as she reviews the Disney movie: Elemental.