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The student news site of Huntley High School in Huntley, Illinois

The Voice

The student news site of Huntley High School in Huntley, Illinois

The Voice

The student news site of Huntley High School in Huntley, Illinois

The Voice

Natalie VonderHeide

Natalie VonderHeide, Marketing Editor

Natalie VonderHeide is the Marketing Manager of The Voice, it's her 3rd year on staff. In her free time, Natalie likes to listen to music, go to concerts, and travel. She enjoys visiting new places and learning about different people.


All content by Natalie VonderHeide
Hope Squad plans a walk for May 6.

Hope Squad gives hope for suicide prevention

Huntley’s first suicide prevention group plans walk
By Natalie VonderHeide
April 14, 2022

With more light shed on the topic of mental health, Huntley High School has begun its first-ever suicide prevention group: Hope Squad. Hope Squad is a...

TikTok takes a dark turn

TikTok takes a dark turn

TikTok users are making the app a sexual platform.
By Natalie VonderHeide
February 9, 2022

After scrolling through seemingly harmless videos on your TikTok "for you page", a short clip of a shirtless man performing erotic dances takes over your...

Goraj with her Fox Valley Conference Championship trophy.

G for green, G for golf, G for Goraj

Abby Goraj reflects on her passion for golf and her goals for the future.
By Natalie VonderHeide
November 29, 2021

As she stepped foot on the field of green grass, the world became silent. She took one swing and watched as the ball and all her nerves flew away.  After...

Drummer Josh Dun hypes up the crowd at their Takeover Tour in the United Center (Courtesy of P. DeSimone)

Twenty One Pilots “Takeover Tour” Really Did Take Over

Twenty One Pilots appears in Chicago for their first tour since COVID-19
By Natalie VonderHeide
October 20, 2021

Rather than playing only in a stadium for their “big” return, bandmates Josh Dun and Tyler Joseph shuffled between venues Bottom Lounge, House of Blues,...

Courtesy of Getty Images

New Twenty-One Pilots album is another cinematic masterpiece

By Natalie VonderHeide
May 27, 2021

After almost three years, Twenty One Pilots' highly anticipated album “Scaled and Icy” has finally arrived as another cinematic masterpiece only to...

Courtesy of GettyImages

New Lana Del Rey album a semi-masterpiece

By Natalie VonderHeide
March 22, 2021

From waiting tables to falling in love, Lana Del Rey’s “Chemtrails Over the Country Club” strays away from the alternative singer’s typical music...

Courtesy of Wikimedia

Appointment of Supreme Court Judge Amy Coney Barrett

By Natalie VonderHeide
November 4, 2020

Three days after the sudden death of Supreme Court Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg, President Donald Trump has offered a position in the court to Judge Amy Coney...

Courtesy of Amy Marturano

Huntley’s Hidden Helpers: Coronavirus Edition

By Natalie VonderHeide
April 16, 2020

'We’re in this together’ is four words that have never been more true to the town of Huntley. From mask making to being a frontline worker, every citizen...

Should Huntley High School cancel finals?

Should Huntley High School cancel finals?

By Natalie VonderHeide
April 12, 2020

As Huntley’s 2019-2020 school year comes to an end, the most stressful time of the year approaches, but with some social distancing put into place. Traditionally,...

Logo courtesy of District 158's website

February BOE meeting: Incubator Program’s “What’s poppin'”

By Natalie VonderHeide
February 21, 2020

Last night’s Board of Education Committee of the Whole meeting began with recognition of Heineman Middle School’s CRO Ambassadors. The students...

Courtesy of Leonor Nevarez

Following in her grandfather’s footsteps

By Natalie VonderHeide
February 8, 2020

As a parent, a simple set of words can change your life drastically. For Leonor Nevarez, these words were cancer. It was near the end of the summer of...

Huntley High School's dress code policies need to change

Huntley High School’s dress code policies need to change

By Natalie VonderHeide
December 17, 2019

‘What is the point of Huntley High School’s dress code?’ and “why can’t we wear hats?’ are all questions that come across the mind of every...

Making light out of sadness

Making light out of sadness

By Natalie VonderHeide
November 14, 2019

When life unexpectedly takes a turn down the wrong road, there are small things we forget because it’s not important at that moment in time.  Heather...

Logo courtesy of District 158's website

Transition Services Night offers new opportunities for struggling students

By Natalie VonderHeide
November 7, 2019

The Division of Rehabilitation Services spoke at last night’s District 158 Transitional Service Night regarding their services to students who are looking...

Homecoming pep rally proves to be a success

Homecoming pep rally proves to be a success

By Natalie VonderHeide
October 12, 2019

From the east gym bleachers to Raider Nation, Huntley High School prepares for Friday’s homecoming game with its annual pep rally.  Students grade...

Courtesy of Rob Peavey

Small social media group creates a big impact on community

By Natalie VonderHeide
October 2, 2019

Rob and Ann Peavey, along with three helpers, help shape Huntley’s next generation through the art of a social media group chat.  “It was meant...

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The student news site of Huntley High School in Huntley, Illinois
Natalie VonderHeide